E-Commerce is the 21st century economic engine that will increasingly drive all commerce. Brick-and-mortar venues will become showrooms and service centers providing an important customer touch point, but a majority of transactions will be technology based. TechApplication can assist you in the implementation of enterprise-scale e-Commerce solutions for product sales, media distribution or services. We can also guide you through the simple integration of a shop-in-a-box for your existing website, or even help you offer products through mass commodity platforms such as Amazon.
Sample Project - Enterprise-scale e-Commerce solution
Home Page Branding
Full screen width animated rotator telling the company story
Screen width mega-menu with one step category selection and imagery
User experience
Video used throughout the site - for both product demos and company positioning
Big bold product photography with multiple images to fully portray the details
Sophisticated product filtering to enhance finding the right product quickly
Back of house management
Back of house catalog management including related and suggested options
Multi-tiered pricing with retail, wholesale, member and employee pricing levels